Tuesday as I dressed for work, my wife and boys piled into the car only to discover it wouldn’t start. As I studied the scene in my underwear, I concluded it was a dead battery. Our plan was simple. I’d jump the battery, my wife would drop the boys at school and I’d meet her at Auto Zone to replace the battery. Disaster averted!

The plan began just fine. I jumped the car, unhooked the cables and finish getting dressed – letting the car run to recharge the battery. Moments later, my youngest son ran into our bedroom out of breath – “DAD…THE CAR’S ON FIRE!”
I tore through the house anticipating an explosion. The smell was awful! As I flung open the garage door I was relieved to discover it was only smoke and not a full-blown car fire. I jumped into the driver’s seat, turned off the car…and waited…holding my breath. The smoke stopped. No flames. Whew!
Although the car didn’t blow up…our morning did. My wife and I huddled to determine our Plan B. In that precise moment our 10-year old son announced, “We need to get going – I don’t wanna be late for school.”
The next 10 minutes were a blur – unfolding something like this:
I barked at my son and lectured him on patience and serving the needs of others (forgetting that he was diligent for wanting to avoid a “tardy”).
He cried!
My wife drove away in my car – shuttling the kids to school.
I called AAA.
I phoned my son to apologize and ask for his forgiveness – wanting him to start the day secure in his knowledge of my love for him. He accepted my apology and again saw me as a role model for why we desperately need a savior.
AAA towed my car away
My wife returned home then dropped me at work
As I stood in my office (I have a stand-up desk) – reflecting on the morning –I wished I could change the way I spoke to my son. I knew I would have an opportunity to redeem myself – but today I blew it!
Thankfully, the God we worship is a God of second chances. The Bible tells us, God’s “mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning” (Lamentations 3:22-23). For that I’m so grateful.
My second chance came quickly.
At 5:00, my wife phoned on the way to pick me up. She said, ”I’ll meet you out front. Oh, our son and I are really thirsty. Would you mind bringing two glasses of water?”
These next 10 minutes were also a blur:
My wife pulled up to my office.
I hopped into the car, handing her and our youngest son their waters.
We dropped my wife to pick up our car at the shop ($418 later).
My son and I sped to my other son’s basketball game.
As we drove I heard a strange noise from the back seat. It sounded like a splash. Something akin to a soothing ocean surf – mixed with the sound of water being thrown onto a small fire.
As I turned to confirm my suspicions I thought, “Ok, here’s your second chance. Here’s that ‘fresh mercy’ thing God told you about.”
I don’t recall exactly what I said, but as I exhaled I knew my next words should comfort my son. Humor is a good diffuser of tension. I think I said, “Hey, what’s going on back there? It sounds like you’re surfing.” He laughed and apologized for dumping a full Solo cup of water into the seat. The aerated leather seats provide minimal airflow in hot Arizona summers. However, the hundreds of pinholes did act as a nice sieve – allowing the water to penetrate deep into the recesses of the seat. I assured my son numerous times that, “It’s ok. We all make mistakes. I know you didn’t do it on purpose.”
It seemed appropriately ironic that while why my son didn’t think to bring water to the morning’s car fire – he did dump it all over my back seat. But my son didn’t need more harsh words, cynicism or judgment. He needed grace.
Isn’t that what God show’s us – his unending grace. In God’s eyes, our lives must be a continuous stream of car fires, harsh words and spilled water. Yet God offers His mercies new each day!
Maybe as parents we ought to wipe the slates clean each morning with our kids – just like God does with us. Sometimes even twice a day!